About the Artist

I have always had a love of art - I loved drawing as a kid and loved escaping to my own little world.  In high school I started selling caricatures of people's favourite footballers (we all had some side hustle in school didn't we??).  I didn't really do it for the money - although it did help keep up my supply of cobbers and spearmint chews. I just enjoyed seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they were given their favourite footy players likeness.

Like a lot of kids in the late 70's and early 80's I was distracted in class quite often and cannot tell you the amount of times I was told off for doodling or fiddling and dropping my pens/pencils.  I would fidget and drift off - unless I was doodling or actually involved in the lesson. It wasn't until my early forties that I discovered I was a kinaesthetic learner.  Kinaesthetic learners make up around 5% of learners.  It changed my world -  I found that I could learn and take in more if I was doodling, fiddling with my pen or having a squeeze ball.  For those of you that are interested there is a great article here https://www.inc.com/molly-reynolds/how-to-spot-visual-auditory-and-kinesthetic-learni.html

I was discouraged from drawing and associated it with being in trouble.  As a result I didn't explore it as a career or an area of study.  I completed an apprenticeship and then entered into a career retail - I have had a pretty succesful career in retail and I love the people interactions.

I didn't really get back into art work until my mid forties.  I started painting on weekends, drawing and sketching again was a great way to relax and wind down from crazy weeks at work.  I travelled a LOT for work and started taking sketch pads with me to use in the evenings in lonely hotel rooms.  This kicked off my interest and love of stippling.